Sage X3 is a powerful ERP, which could be customized heavily, configured and could fit into any verticals.
On top of it, the beauty of Sage X3 is that it has thousands of parameters which could be easily configured for better controls.
Today, let’s discuss about one of those useful parameters, which would help you to implement credit control in an effective manner.
Navigate to Common Data > Customers, as shown below,
The same could be accessed through function GESBPC
Once you’re on the customer Record,
Navigate to the Management Tab > Then input the Authorized Credit Amount for the Customer.
On the above snap , we have given the value as EUR 1000 (If you notice this would be in EUR , as the folder currency is in EUR ) and make sure the Credit Control option is set as CHECK.
Once the above step is completed , once the Credit limit reaches the authorized amount system would check and issue a warning.
So lets first raise a Sales Order for this particular Customer ,
Then we I try to Click on Save,
As shown above , the system is prompting me with a warning , as the authorized credit for this customer is EUR 1000.
But still the system would allow me to acknowledge and proceed with the Order. So this is where a parameter would be useful.
You may navigate to the parameter values as shown below,
Open Parameter Values,
As shown above go to VEN Sales > Folder / Legislation > Select the Relevant Folder , Select AUZ and Go to Details Screen (Shown Below)
Ones the option SCDTUNL is set to NO then the system will not allow to unlock the order.
You may give the special authorization specific user through Setup > Users > then set the parameter values for specific users.
Hope you found this article helpful 🙂